adb install

Push packages to a connected Android device or emulator. More information:

  • Push an Android application to an emulator/device:

adb install path/to/file.apk

  • Push an Android application to a specific emulator/device (overrides $ANDROID_SERIAL):

adb -s serial_number install path/to/file.apk

  • reinstall an existing app, keeping its data:

adb install -r path/to/file.apk

  • Push an Android application allowing version code downgrade (debuggable packages only):

adb install -d path/to/file.apk

  • grant all permissions listed in the app manifest:

adb install -g path/to/file.apk

  • Quickly update an installed package by only updating the parts of the APK that changed:

adb install --fastdeploy path/to/file.apk

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.