adb logcat

Dump a log of system messages. More information:

  • Display system logs:

adb logcat

  • Display lines that match a regular expression:

adb logcat -e regular_expression

  • Display logs for a tag in a specific mode (Verbose, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal, Silent), filtering other tags:

adb logcat tag:mode *:S

  • Display logs for React Native applications in Verbose mode Silencing other tags:

adb logcat ReactNative:V ReactNativeJS:V *:S

  • Display logs for all tags with priority level Warning and higher:

adb logcat *:W

  • Display logs for a specific PID:

adb logcat --pid pid

  • Display logs for the process of a specific package:

adb logcat --pid $(adb shell pidof -s package)

  • Color the log (usually use with filters):

adb logcat -v color

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.