az repos

Manage Azure DevOps repos. Part of azure-cli (also known as az). More information:

  • List all repos in a specific project:

az repos list --project project_name

  • Add policy on a specific branch of a specific repository to restrict basic merge:

az repos policy merge-strategy create --repository-id repository_id_in_repos_list --branch branch_name --blocking --enabled --allow-no-fast-forward false --allow-rebase true --allow-rebase-merge true --allow-squash true

  • Add build validation on a specific repository, using an existing build pipeline, to be triggered automatically on source update:

az repos policy build create --repository-id repository_id --build-definition-id build_pipeline_id --branch main --blocking --enabled --queue-on-source-update-only true --display-name name --valid-duration minutes

  • List all active Pull Requests on a specific repository within a specific project:

az repos pr list --project project_name --repository repository_name --status active

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.