az storage entity

Manage Azure Table storage entities. Part of azure-cli (also known as az). More information:

  • Insert an entity into a table:

az storage entity insert --entity space_separated_key_value_pairs --table-name table_name --account-name storage_account_name --account-key storage_account_key

  • Delete an existing entity from a table:

az storage entity delete --partition-key partition_key --row-key row_key --table-name table_name --account-name storage_account_name --account-key storage_account_key

  • Update an existing entity by merging its properties:

az storage entity merge --entity space_separated_key_value_pairs --table-name table_name --account-name storage_account_name --account-key storage_account_key

  • List entities which satisfy a query:

az storage entity query --filter query_filter --table-name table_name --account-name storage_account_name --account-key storage_account_key

  • Get an entity from the specified table:

az storage entity show --partition-key partition_key --row-key row_key --table-name table_name --account-name storage_account_name --account-key storage_account_key

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