
Bash Automated Testing System: a TAP ( compliant testing framework for Bash. More information:

  • Run a BATS test script and output results in the tAP (Test Anything Protocol) format:

bats --tap path/to/test.bats

  • count test cases of a test script without running any tests:

bats --count path/to/test.bats

  • Run BATS test cases [r]ecursively (files with a .bats extension):

bats --recursive path/to/directory

  • Output results in a specific Format:

bats --formatter pretty|tap|tap13|junit path/to/test.bats

  • Add Timing information to tests:

bats --timing path/to/test.bats

  • Run specific number of [j]obs in parallel (requires GNU parallel to be installed):

bats --jobs number path/to/test.bats

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.