
Draw, remove, and repair ASCII art boxes. More information:

  • Draw a box around a string:

echo "string" | boxes

  • remove a box from a string:

echo "string" | boxes -r

  • Specify the box design:

echo "string" | boxes -d parchment

  • Specify the box size (in columns by lines):

echo "string" | boxes -s 10x5

  • align the box text horizonally (at left, center or right):

echo "string" | boxes -a hl|c|r

  • align the box text vertically (at top, center or bottom):

echo "string" | boxes -a vt|c|b

  • justify the box text (at left, center or right):

echo "string" | boxes -a jl|c|rvt

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.