
A human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) awk. More information:

  • Print the 5th item from a line (starting from 0):

choose 4

  • Print the first, 3rd, and 5th item from a line, where items are separated by ’:’ instead of whitespace:

choose --field-separator ':' 0 2 4

  • Print everything from the 2nd to 5th item on the line, including the 5th:

choose 1:4

  • Print everything from the 2nd to 5th item on the line, excluding the 5th:

choose --exclusive 1:4

  • Print the beginning of the line to the 3rd item:

choose :2

  • Print all items from the beginning of the line until the 3rd item (exclusive):

choose --exclusive :2

  • Print all items from the 3rd to the end of the line:

choose 2:

  • Print the last item from a line:

choose -1

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.