crane mutate

Modify image labels and annotations. The container must be pushed to a registry, and the manifest is updated there. More information:

  • New annotations to set (default []):

crane mutate -a|--annotation/-l|--label annotation/label

  • Path to tarball/command/entrypoint/environment variable/exposed-ports to append to image:

crane mutate --append/--cmd/--entrypoint/-e|--env/--exposed-ports var1 var2 ...

  • Path to new tarball of resulting image:

crane mutate -o|--output path/to/tarball

  • Repository in the form os/arch{{/variant}}{{:osversion}}{{,}} to push mutated image:

crane mutate --set-platform platform_name

  • New tag reference to apply to mutated image:

crane mutate -t|--tag tag_name

  • New user to set:

crane mutate -u|--user username

  • New working dir to set:

crane mutate -w|--workdir path/to/workdir

  • Display help:

crane mutate -h|--help

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.