cs fetch

Fetch fetches the JARs of dependencies. More information:

  • Fetch a specific version of a jar:

cs fetch group_id:artifact_id:artifact_version

  • Fetch a package and evaluate the classpath corresponding to the selected package in an env var:

CP="$(cs fetch --classpath org.scalameta::scalafmt-cli:latest.release)"

  • Fetch a source of a specific jar:

cs fetch --sources group_id:artifact_id:artifact_version

  • Fetch the javadoc jars:

cs fetch --javadoc group_id:artifact_id:artifact_version

  • Fetch dependency with javadoc jars and source jars:

cs fetch --default=true --sources --javadoc group_id:artifact_id:artifact_version

  • Fetch jars coming from dependency files:

cs fetch --dependency-file path/to/file1 --dependency-file path/to/file2 ...

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.