cs java

The java and java-home commands fetch and install JVMs. The java command runs them too. More information:

  • Display Java version by using coursier:

cs java -version

  • Call a specific Java version with custom properties using coursier:

cs java --jvm jvm_name:jvm_version -Xmx32m -Xanother_jvm_opt -jar path/to/jar_name.jar

  • List all the available JVM in the coursier default index:

cs java --available

  • List all the installed JVM in the system with his own location:

cs java --installed

  • Set a specific JVM as one-off default for the shell instance:

cs java --jvm jvm_name:jvm_version --env

  • Revert the changes for the default JVM settings:

eval "$(cs java --disable)"

  • Set a specific JVM as default for the whole system:

cs java --jvm jvm_name:jvm_version --setup

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.