
Windows Remote Management (WinRM) shell for pentesting. Once connected, we get a PowerShell prompt on the target host. More information:

  • Connect to a host:

evil-winrm --ip ip --user user --password password

  • Connect to a host, passing the password hash:

evil-winrm --ip ip --user user --hash nt_hash

  • Connect to a host, specifying directories for scripts and executables:

evil-winrm --ip ip --user user --password password --scripts path/to/scripts --executables path/to/executables

  • Connect to a host, using SSL:

evil-winrm --ip ip --user user --password password --ssl --pub-key path/to/pubkey --priv-key path/to/privkey

  • Upload a file to the host:

PS > upload path/to/local/file path/to/remote/file

  • List all loaded PowerShell functions:

PS > menu

  • Load a PowerShell script from the --scripts directory:

PS > script.ps1

  • Invoke a binary on the host from the --executables directory:

PS > Invoke-Binary binary.exe

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.