gh repo

Work with GitHub repositories. More information:

  • Create a new repository (if the repository name is not set, the default name will be the name of the current directory):

gh repo create name

  • Clone a repository:

gh repo clone owner/repository

  • Fork and clone a repository:

gh repo fork owner/repository --clone

  • View a repository in the default web browser:

gh repo view repository --web

  • List repositories owned by a specific user or organization (if the owner is not set, the default owner will be the currently logged in user):

gh repo list owner

  • List only non-forks repositories and limit the number of repositories to list (default: 30):

gh repo list owner --source -L limit

  • List repositories with a specific primary coding language:

gh repo list owner --language language_name

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.