git subtree

Manage project dependencies as subprojects. More information:

  • Add a Git repository as a subtree:

git subtree add --prefix=path/to/directory/ --squash repository_url branch_name

  • Update subtree repository to its latest commit:

git subtree pull --prefix=path/to/directory/ repository_url branch_name

  • Merge recent changes up to the latest subtree commit into the subtree:

git subtree merge --prefix=path/to/directory/ --squash repository_url branch_name

  • Push commits to a subtree repository:

git subtree push --prefix=path/to/directory/ repository_url branch_name

  • Extract a new project history from the history of a subtree:

git subtree split --prefix=path/to/directory/ repository_url -b branch_name

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.