
A LaTeX formula preprocessor for HTML files. It converts LaTeX formulas to images. More information:

  • Convert to HTML:

gladtex path/to/input.htex

  • Save the converted file to a specific location:

gladtex path/to/input.htex -o path/to/output.html

  • Save the generated images to a specific directory:

gladtex path/to/input.htex -d path/to/image_output_directory

  • Set image resolution (in dpi, default is 100):

gladtex path/to/input.htex -r resolution

  • keep LaTeX files after conversion:

gladtex path/to/input.htex -k

  • Set background and foreground color of the images:

gladtex path/to/input.htex -b background_color -f foreground_color

  • Convert Markdown to HTML using pandoc and gladtex:

pandoc -s -t html --gladtex path/to/ | gladtex -o path/to/output.html

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.