
Helix, A post-modern text editor, provides several modes for different kinds of text manipulation. Pressing i enters insert mode. <Esc> enters normal mode, which enables the use of Helix commands. More information:

  • Open a file:

helix path/to/file

  • Open files and show them one next each other:

helix --vsplit path/to/file1 path/to/file2

  • Show the tutorial to learn Helix (or access it within Helix by pressing <Esc> and typing :tutor):

helix --tutor

  • Change the Helix theme:

:theme theme_name

  • Save and Quit:


  • Force-quit without saving:


  • Undo the last operation:


  • Search for a pattern in the file (press n/N to go to next/previous match):


This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.