helm install

Install a helm chart. More information:

  • Install a helm chart:

helm install name repository_name/chart_name

  • Install a helm chart from an unpacked chart directory:

helm install name path/to/source_directory

  • Install a helm chart from a URL:

helm install package_name

  • Install a helm chart and generate a name:

helm install repository_name/chart_name --generate-name

  • Perform a dry run:

helm install name repository_name/chart_name --dry-run

  • Install a helm chart with custom values:

helm install name repository_name/chart_name --set parameter1=value1,parameter2=value2

  • Install a helm chart passing a custom values file:

helm install name repository_name/chart_name --values path/to/values.yaml

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.