hledger balancesheet

Show the end balances in asset and liability accounts. Amounts are shown with normal positive sign, as in conventional financial statements. More information:

  • Show the current balances in Asset and Liability accounts, excluding zeros:

hledger balancesheet

  • Show just the liquid assets (Cash account type):

hledger balancesheet type:C

  • Include accounts with zero balances, and show the account hierarchy:

hledger balancesheet --empty --tree

  • Show the balances at the end of each month:

hledger balancesheet --monthly

  • Show the balances’ market value in home currency at the end of each month:

hledger balancesheet --monthly -V

  • Show quarterly balances, with just the top two levels of account hierarchy:

hledger balancesheet --quarterly --tree --depth 2

  • Short form of the above, and generate HTML output in bs.html:

hledger bs -Qt -2 -o bs.html

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.