Zero-configuration command-line HTTP server which provides a lightweight interface to upload files.
More information:
- Start an HTTP server on the default port to upload files to the current directory:
- Start an HTTP server with the specified maximum allowed file size for uploads in MiB (defaults to 200 MiB):
MAX_FILE_SIZE=size_in_megabytes http-server-upload
- Start an HTTP server on a specific port to upload files to the current directory:
PORT=port http-server-upload
- Start an HTTP server, storing the uploaded files in a specific directory:
UPLOAD_DIR=path/to/directory http-server-upload
- Start an HTTP server using a specific directory to temporarily store files during the upload process:
UPLOAD_TMP_DIR=path/to/directory http-server-upload
- Start an HTTP server accepting uploads with a specific token field in the HTTP post:
TOKEN=secret http-server-upload