
Password cracker. More information:

  • Crack password hashes:

john path/to/hashes.txt

  • Show passwords cracked:

john --show path/to/hashes.txt

  • Display users’ cracked passwords by user identifier from multiple files:

john --show --users=user_ids path/to/hashes1.txt path/to/hashes2.txt ...

  • Crack password hashes, using a custom wordlist:

john --wordlist=path/to/wordlist.txt path/to/hashes.txt

  • List available hash formats:

john --list=formats

  • Crack password hashes, using a specific hash format:

john --format=md5crypt path/to/hashes.txt

  • Crack password hashes, enabling word mangling rules:

john --rules path/to/hashes.txt

  • Restore an interrupted cracking session from a state file, e.g. mycrack.rec:

john --restore=path/to/mycrack.rec

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.