
Command-line interface for KeepassXC. More information:

  • Search entries:

keepassxc-cli search path/to/database_file name

  • List the contents of a folder:

keepassxc-cli ls path/to/database_file /path/to/directory

  • Add an entry with an auto-generated password:

keepassxc-cli add --generate path/to/database_file entry_name

  • Delete an entry:

keepassxc-cli rm path/to/database_file entry_name

  • Copy an entry’s password to the clipboard:

keepassxc-cli clip path/to/database_file entry_name

  • Copy a TOTP code to the clipboard:

keepassxc-cli clip --totp path/to/database_file entry_name

  • Generate a passphrase with 7 words:

keepassxc-cli diceware --words 7

  • Generate a password with 16 printable ASCII characters:

keepassxc-cli generate --lower --upper --numeric --special --length 16

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.