
Virtual machine manager for Linux guests, with multiple VM templates available. Can be used to run containers on macOS, but also for generic virtual machine use cases on macOS and Linux hosts. More information:

  • List VMs:

limactl list

  • Create a VM using the default settings and optionally provide a name and/or a template (see limactl create --list-templates for available templates):

limactl create --name vm_name template://debian|fedora|ubuntu|…

  • Start a VM (this might install some dependencies in it and take a few minutes):

limactl start vm_name

  • Open a remote shell inside a VM:

limactl shell vm_name

  • Run a command inside a VM:

limactl shell vm_name command

  • Stop/shutdown a VM:

limactl stop vm_name

  • Delete a VM:

limactl remove vm_name

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.