
Imports content from a JSON, CSV, or TSV file into a MongoDB database. More information:

  • Import a JSON file into a specific collection:

mongoimport --file=path/to/file.json --uri=mongodb_uri --collection=collection_name

  • Import a CSV file, using the first line of the file to determine field names:

mongoimport --type=csv --file=path/to/file.csv --db=database_name --collection=collection_name

  • Import a JSON array, using each element as a separate document:

mongoimport --jsonArray --file=path/to/file.json

  • Import a JSON file using a specific mode and a query to match existing documents:

mongoimport --file=path/to/file.json --mode=delete|merge|upsert --upsertFields="field1,field2,..."

  • Import a CSV file, reading field names from a separate CSV file and ignoring fields with empty values:

mongoimport --type=csv --file=path/to/file.csv --fieldFile=path/to/field_file.csv --ignoreBlanks

  • Display help:

mongoimport --help

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.