
Interact with the Tezos blockchain. More information:

octez-client -E endpoint config update

  • Create an account and assign a local alias to it:

octez-client gen keys alias

  • Get the balance of an account by alias or address:

octez-client get balance for alias_or_address

  • Transfer tez to a different account:

octez-client transfer 5 from alias|address to alias|address

  • Originate (deploy) a smart contract, assign it a local alias, and set its initial storage as a Michelson-encoded value:

octez-client originate contract alias transferring 0 from alias|address running path/to/ --init "initial_storage" --burn_cap 1

  • Call a smart contract by its alias or address and pass a Michelson-encoded parameter:

octez-client transfer 0 from alias|address to contract --entrypoint "entrypoint" --arg "parameter" --burn-cap 1

  • Display help:

octez-client man

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.