
List information about an OGR-supported data source. More information:

  • List supported formats:

ogrinfo --formats

  • List layers of a data source:

ogrinfo path/to/input.gpkg

  • Get detailed information about a specific layer of a data source:

ogrinfo path/to/input.gpkg layer_name

  • Show summary information about a specific layer of a data source:

ogrinfo -so path/to/input.gpkg layer_name

  • Show summary of all layers of the data source:

ogrinfo -so -al path/to/input.gpkg

  • Show detailed information of features matching a condition:

ogrinfo -where 'attribute_name > 42' path/to/input.gpkg layer_name

  • Update a layer in the data source with SQL:

ogrinfo path/to/input.geojson -dialect SQLite -sql "UPDATE input SET attribute_name = 'foo'"

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.