pass otp
A pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens.
More information:
- Prompt for an otpauth URI token and create a new pass file:
pass otp insert path/to/pass
- Prompt for an otpauth URI token and append to an existing pass file:
pass otp append path/to/pass
- Print a 2FA code using the OTP token in a pass file:
pass otp path/to/pass
- Copy and don’t print a 2FA code using the OTP token in a pass file:
pass otp --clip path/to/pass
- Display a QR code using the OTP token stored in a pass file:
pass otp uri --qrcode path/to/pass
- Prompt for an OTP secret value specifying issuer and account (at least one must be specified) and append to existing pass file:
pass otp append --secret --issuer issuer_name --account account_name path/to/pass