pio package

Manage packages in the registry. Packages can only be removed within 72 hours (3 days) from the date that they are published. More information:

  • Create a package tarball from the current directory:

pio package pack --output path/to/package.tar.gz

  • Create and publish a package tarball from the current directory:

pio package publish

  • Publish the current directory and restrict public access to it:

pio package publish --private

  • Publish a package:

pio package publish path/to/package.tar.gz

  • Publish a package with a custom release date (UTC):

pio package publish path/to/package.tar.gz --released-at "2021-04-08 21:15:38"

  • Remove all versions of a published package from the registry:

pio package unpublish package

  • Remove a specific version of a published package from the registry:

pio package unpublish package@version

  • Undo the removal, putting all versions or a specific version of the package back into the registry:

pio package unpublish --undo package@version

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.