
Manage Python packages and dependencies. See also: asdf. More information:

  • Create a new Poetry project in the directory with a specific name:

poetry new project_name

  • Install and add a dependency and its sub-dependencies to the pyproject.toml file in the current directory:

poetry add dependency

  • Install the project dependencies using the pyproject.toml file in the current directory:

poetry install

  • Interactively initialize the current directory as a new Poetry project:

poetry init

  • Get the latest version of all dependencies and update poetry.lock:

poetry update

  • Execute a command inside the project’s virtual environment:

poetry run command

  • Bump the version of the project in pyproject.toml:

poetry version patch|minor|major|prepatch|preminor|premajor|prerelease

  • Spawn a shell within the project’s virtual environment:

poetry shell

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.