
Create and manipulate Quick Emulator Virtual HDD images. More information:

  • Create disk image with a specific size (in gigabytes):

qemu-img create image_name.img gigabytesG

  • Show information about a disk image:

qemu-img info image_name.img

  • Increase or decrease image size:

qemu-img resize image_name.img gigabytesG

  • Dump the allocation state of every sector of the specified disk image:

qemu-img map image_name.img

  • Convert a VMware .vmdk disk image to a KVM .qcow2 disk image:

qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 path/to/file/foo.vmdk path/to/file/foo.qcow2

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.