
Convert a raw RGB stream to a PPM image. More information:

  • Convert a raw RGB stream to a PPM image:

rawtoppm width height path/to/image.raw > path/to/output.ppm

  • Convert a raw RGB stream in which the pixels come bottom-first instead of top-first to a PPM image:

rawtoppm width height path/to/image.raw | pamflip -tb > path/to/output.ppm

  • Ignore the first n bytes of the specified file:

rawtoppm width height -headerskip n path/to/image.raw > path/to/output.ppm

  • Ignore the last m bytes of each row in the specified file:

rawtoppm width height -rowskip m path/to/image.raw > path/to/output.ppm

  • Specify the order of color components for each pixel:

rawtoppm width height -rgb|rbg|grb|gbr|brg|bgr path/to/image.raw > path/to/output.ppm

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.