
Shell builtin for retrieving data from stdin. More information:

  • Store data that you type from the keyboard:

read variable

  • Store each of the next lines you enter as values of an array:

read -a array

  • Specify the number of maximum characters to be read:

read -n character_count variable

  • Assign multiple values to multiple variables:

read _ variable1 _ variable2 <<< "The surname is Bond"

  • Do not let backslash (\) act as an escape character:

read -r variable

  • Display a prompt before the input:

read -p "Enter your input here: " variable

  • Do not echo typed characters (silent mode):

read -s variable

  • Read stdin and perform an action on every line:

while read line; do echo|ls|rm|... "$line"; done < /dev/stdin|path/to/file|...

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.