
Manage parallel versions of multiple Software Development Kits. Supports Java, Groovy, Scala, Kotlin, Gradle, Maven, Vert.x and many others. More information:

  • Install an SDK version:

sdk install sdk_name sdk_version

  • Use a specific SDK version for the current terminal session:

sdk use sdk_name sdk_version

  • Show the stable version of any available SDK:

sdk current sdk_name

  • Show the stable versions of all installed SDKs:

sdk current

  • List all available SDKs:

sdk list

  • List all versions of an SDK:

sdk list sdk_name

  • Upgrade an SDK to the latest stable version:

sdk upgrade sdk_name

  • Uninstall a specific SDK version:

sdk rm sdk_name sdk_version

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.