
Works just like git clone. In addition you can pass extra flags to configure your repository. If there is a bootstrap file in the repository, you will be prompted to execute it. See also: git clone. More information:

  • Clone an existing repository:

yadm clone remote_repository_location

  • Clone an existing repository, then execute the bootstrap file:

yadm clone remote_repository_location --bootstrap

  • Clone an existing repository and after cloning, do not execute the bootstrap file:

yadm clone remote_repository_location --no-bootstrap

  • Change the worktree that yadm will use during cloning:

yadm clone remote_repository_location --w worktree_file

  • Change the branch that yadm gets files from:

yadm clone remote_repository_location -b branch

  • Override an existing repository local branch:

yadm clone remote_repository_location -f

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.