ykman fido

Manage YubiKey FIDO applications. More information:

  • Display general information about the FIDO2 application:

ykman fido info

  • Change the FIDO pin:

ykman fido access change-pin

  • List resident credentials stored on the YubiKey:

ykman fido credentials list

  • Delete a resident credential from the YubiKey:

ykman fido credentials delete id

  • List fingerprints stored on the YubiKey (requires a key with a fingerprint sensor):

ykman fido fingerprints list

  • Add a new fingerprint to the YubiKey:

ykman fido fingerprints add name

  • Delete a fingerprint from the YubiKey:

ykman fido fingerprints delete name

  • Wipe all FIDO credentials (you have to do this after exceeding the number of PIN retry attempts):

ykman fido reset

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.