
Matches fixed strings in possibly compressed files. Equivalent to grep -F with input decompressed first if necessary. More information:

  • Search for an exact string in a file:

zfgrep search_string path/to/file

  • Count the number of lines that match the given string in a file:

zfgrep --count search_string path/to/file

  • Show the line number in the file along with the matching lines:

zfgrep --line-number search_string path/to/file

  • Display all lines except those that contain the search string:

zfgrep --invert-match search_string path/to/file

  • List only filenames whose content matches the search string at least once:

zfgrep --files-with-matches search_string path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.