
Steganography detection tool for PNG and BMP file formats. It detects LSB steganography, ZLIB-compressed data, OpenStego, Camouflage and LSB with the Eratosthenes set. More information:

  • Detect embedded data in a PNG:

zsteg path/to/image.png

  • Detect embedded data in a BMP image, using all known methods:

zsteg --all path/to/image.bmp

  • Detect embedded data in a PNG, iterating pixels vertically and using MSB first:

zsteg --msb --order yx path/to/image.png

  • Detect embedded data in a BMP image, specifying the bits to consider:

zsteg --bits 1,2,3|1-3 path/to/image.bmp

  • Detect embedded data in a PNG, extracting only prime pixels and inverting bits:

zsteg --prime --invert path/to/image.png

  • Detect embedded data in a BMP image, specifying the minimum length of the strings to be found and the find mode:

zsteg --min-str-len 10 --strings first|all|longest|none path/to/image.bmp

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.