
Register, reserve, release, preempt, and clear persistent reservations on a block device that supports Persistent Reservations. More information:

  • Register (command) a new reservation with a given key on a given device:

blkpr -c|--command register -k|--key reservation_key path/to/device

  • Set the type of an existing reservation to exclusive access:

blkpr -c reserve -k|--key reservation_key -t|--type exclusive-access path/to/device

  • Preempt the existing reservation with a given key and replace it with a new reservation:

blkpr -c preempt -K|--oldkey old_key -k|--key new_key -t|--type write-exclusive path/to/device

  • Release a reservation with a given key and type on a given device:

blkpr -c release -k|--key reservation_key -t|--type reservation_type path/to/device

  • Clear all reservations from a given device:

blkpr -c clear -k|--key key path/to/device

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.