
List or extract attachments (embedded files) from a PDF file. See also: pdfattach, pdfimages, pdfinfo. More information:

  • List all attachments in a file with a specific text encoding:

pdfdetach list -enc UTF-8 path/to/input.pdf

  • Save specific embedded file by specifying its number:

pdfdetach -save number path/to/input.pdf

  • Save specific embedded file by specifying its name:

pdfdetach -savefile name path/to/input.pdf

  • Save the embedded file with a custom output filename:

pdfdetach -save number -o path/to/output path/to/input.pdf

  • Save the attachment from a file secured by owner/user password:

pdfdetach -save number -opw|-upw password path/to/input.pdf

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.