qm cloud init

Configure cloudinit settings for virtual machines managed by Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE). More information:

  • Configure cloudinit settings for a specific user and set password for the user:

qm cloud-init vm_id -user=user -password=password

  • Configure cloudinit settings for a specific user and set password for the user with a specific SSH key:

qm cloud-init vm_id -user=user -password=password -sshkey=ssh_key

  • Set the hostname for a specific virtual machine:

qm cloud-init vm_id -hostname=hostname

  • Configure the network interface settings for a specific virtual machine:

qm cloud-init vm_id -ipconfig ipconfig

  • Configure a shell script to execute before cloud-ini is run on a virtual machine:

qm cloud-init vm_id -pre script

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