
Query information about packages and media in Mageia. See also: urpmi, urpmi.update, urpmi.addmedia, urpmi.removemedia, urpmf, urpme. More information:

  • Display information about an installable package:

urpmq -i package

  • Display direct dependencies of a package:

urpmq --requires package

  • Display direct and indirect dependencies of a package:

urpmq --requires-recursive package

  • List the not installed packages needed for an RPM file with their sources:

sudo urpmq --requires-recursive -m --sources path/to/file.rpm

  • List all configured media with their URLs, including inactive media:

urpmq --list-media --list-url

  • Search for a package printing group, version and release:

urpmq -g -r --fuzzy keyword

  • Search for a package with using its exact name:

urpmq -g -r package

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.