
Display text-based dialog boxes from shell scripts. More information:

  • Display a simple message:

whiptail --title "title" --msgbox "message" height_in_chars width_in_chars

  • Display a boolean choice, returning the result through the exit code:

whiptail --title "title" --yesno "message" height_in_chars width_in_chars

  • Customise the text on the yes/no buttons:

whiptail --title "title" --yes-button "text" --no-button "text" --yesno "message" height_in_chars width_in_chars

  • Display a text input box:

result_variable_name="$(whiptail --title "title" --inputbox "message" height_in_chars width_in_chars default_text 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)"

  • Display a password input box:

result_variable_name="$(whiptail --title "title" --passwordbox "message" height_in_chars width_in_chars 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)"

  • Display a multiple-choice menu:

result_variable_name=$(whiptail --title "title" --menu "message" height_in_chars width_in_chars menu_display_height "value_1" "display_text_1" "value_n" "display_text_n" ..... 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)

This document was created using the contents of the tldr project.